Samantha Cross
The Inspiration Behind Lunar Rampage
Lunrar Rampage's origin stemmed from a dream I had on the night of February 16th, 2008. Yes, I remember the precise date and day (Saturday) of the week. When something stands out to you, you tend to take a lot a lot of notes. It was a dream without a finish, but one that snapped me out of my sleep and put me on a rampage (no pun intended) of writing at three in the morning.
The strongest aspect of the dream was, without question, the setting. It was what sucked me into the dream and made me unable to think of anything else. Woods, woods, woods, it was everywhere. I'm not sure a single moment of my dream even took place during the light of day.
The other notable portions of my dream were the actual werewolves themselves, and how large and black they were (and eerily reminded me of my childhood cat named Bear), and the leading man of the story who I later named Max. His relationship with the story's protagonist had such a playful and sexual vibe that I wanted to write it pretty badly.
So what made me wait six years to actually write the thing? That's a good question. A lot of it was timing, inspiration, and general life. I wanted to find the perfect tone for it, and was a little perplexed. That is until I sat down and watched one of my favorite movies, The Lost Boys, and said that's it! That's the tone I'm looking for. Creepy, sexy, and fun. Once I had the inspiration, the words flowed, and during the summer of 2014 I made it a reality.